meal subscription

This is the page description.

The people that give you their food, give you their heart.
— Cesar Chavez


we aren’t like most meal delivery services in that we offer a “prix fixe” menu every month that is customized just for you and your household. instead of logging in each week to pick what you’d like to receive, we do the picking and modifications for you based on your dietary restrictions, your likes and dislikes and your feedback. after you have received your custom menu for that week, you have the option to make any changes based on what we are making for that week. by viewing our weekly menu . 

Every week we deliver fresh and personalized meals, straight to your doorstep.  We accommodate most dietary restrictions and special diets (ie: vegan, Keto, paleo etc). and our menus rotate so frequently that you’re likely to not see the same thing twice in a four month period!

just click the link AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE to start the onboarding process and help us get a better idea of how you’re eating and what your’e looking for in a meal delivery service.